EucoLight delivers for lighting WEEE in 2015

EucoLight, the new lighting WEEE compliance scheme trade association has made good progress in its first year of operation.
Nigel Harvey, Chief Executive of Recolight, and a board member of EucoLight said today
“EucoLight now has members from 16 EU Member States, which gives the organisation a great deal of credibility when dealing with European institutions. We have already successfully raised a number of issues of concern to lighting WEEE compliance. This has included the data used to calculate lamp collection targets.”
EucoLight has responded to consultations organised by the European Commission and others covering the Circular Economy and the way in which Lighting Producers report their products to their WEEE compliance scheme. EucoLight has also provided input to possible changes in the legislation affecting waste and WEEE Producer compliance schemes.
Nigel Harvey added
“EucoLight also has liaison status with CENELEC with EucoLight members contributing to work on finalising treatment standards for lamps. These are expected to be published soon. When implemented, the standards will help to ensure that lamp recycling operates to consistent levels.”
The members of EucoLight include Europe’s leading lighting WEEE compliance schemes from across Europe, together with LightingEurope. Recolight was a founder member of EucoLight.