Recycling GDLs

Electrical contractors’ attitudes to recycling
In a survey conducted in 2010, Recolight found that recycling is something that electrical contractors take very seriously, with two-thirds (64%) saying that the safe disposal and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment is “totally embedded” within the culture of their business. It is encouraging to hear that almost every contractor we spoke to recycles the vast majority of the spent lamps they collect.
- Contractors estimate that on average they recycle 93 per cent of all lamps collected.
- The estimated level of recycling is higher among contractors fitting the greatest number of lamps. Where over 500 lamps per month are fitted the estimated recycling rate is, on average, 97 per cent.
Recycling funded by the producers
What some electrical contractors may not know is that their spent fluorescent tubes can be collected and recycled at no cost by Recolight. Unlike many other waste streams, the recycling of electrical and electronic waste can be funded by producers of the equipment. Businesses can save money and benefit the environment by contacting the Producer Compliance Scheme that represents the Producer of the equipment due for recycling. With so many different waste streams to manage it may be tempting to employ one company to deal with it all, but why pay for recycling services, which, in effect, can be funded by the producer
Free recycling through Recolight
If you regularly collect larger quantities of fluorescent tubes or other gas discharge lamps, or are undertaking a large refit or re-lamp project, Recolight can help. We have a range of free services to suit all types of business. If you do not collect such large quantities then you can still access our successful B2B collection point network, made up of over 1100 commercial collection points. Simply search for a collection point near you online. Recolight has funded the recycling of more than 125 million lamps since 2007, preventing over a third of a tonne of mercury from entering landfill.
Advantages of recycling
As well as saving money, businesses signing up to our dedicated nationwide network are able to show that their company is embracing corporate responsibilities by adopting recycling practices that not only minimise their own impact on the environment, but provide lasting benefits to their company and customers.