Signify unveils ambitious Net Zero targets

The world’s biggest lighting manufacturer Signify has introduced ambitious Net Zero emissions reduction targets.
The company has introduced a 2040 net-zero target and a commitment to reduce absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 90 per cent without the use of carbon credits. These targets have been reviewed and validated by the Science Based Targets initiative.
‘We believe we have an important role to play in the transformation toward a low-carbon economy,’ ciency technology barriers with our LED products and connected systems,” said Maurice Loosschilder, global head of sustainability at Signify. ‘Our dedication to sustainable innovation has enabled us to continuously break through energy efficiency technology barriers with our LED products and connected systems.
‘Absolute emissions reduction has always been the backbone of our climate action. We have reduced more than 75 per cent of our operational carbon footprint since 2010. Through the combination of radical improvements in the efficiency of our products and hundreds of initiatives implemented in factories, offices, and across our operations, we have reduced our full scope greenhouse gas emissions by half since 2019.’
In 2019, Signify became one of the first 30 companies to have its carbon emissions reduction targets validated by the SBTi to be aligned with the 1.5°C pathway.
Signify’s sustainability program Brighter Lives, Better World 2025 set out to double the pace of decarbonistion required by the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C scenario by the end of 2025.
The company says it is proactive in reducing emissions across its supply chain, participating in the CDP Supply Chain program and encouraging suppliers to commit to science-based targets.
‘We are proud to be part of the global movement for ambitious corporate decarbonisation. This validation of our targets sets an example our peers and the broader industry must follow as we redouble our efforts to reduce emissions across the value chain in line with the Paris agreement’s 1.5-degree pathway,’ said Loosschilder.
• Diary date: Circular Lighting Live 2024, Recolight’s flagship conference and exhibition, takes place on Wednesday 9 October 2024 at the Royal College of Physicians in London. Free to specifiers, Circular Lighting Live 2024 will feature leading experts, specifiers and policy makers who will share their insights into forthcoming standards and legislation, emerging technologies and new business models. More info: